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To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Easy key-frame deletion?
Lines: 35
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 23:14:28 PDT
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>I need to delete a LARGE number of keyframes from a scene, without
>affecting other keyframes around them.
>Here's the situation...while playing around with the new version of
>Impact!, I've been able to come up with some VERY cool scenes...but, one
>of the problems I've run into is that I need to increase the frames per
>second sampling rate in order to allow Impact! to detect collisions
>correctly...since Impact! generates a keyframe for EVERY frame, I end up
>with a LOT of extra keyframes in the scene that I have to manually delete.
> -David Warner
If all you are doing is a simple DELETION, I would think that a
fairly straightforward AREXX program would do the trick.
The motion format escapes me, but if I remember correctly there is
one accumuating value that needs to be tweeked, otherwise you could
do this with a word-processing macro. Of course, if I misremember,
a wp-macro will still work. It'll have to hunt for a starting
place, and be smart enough to stop too.
Let us praise Allen for having the foresight to keep these basic
files in ASCII, where mere mortals can whomp on them, rather than
going to some more compact, yet impenetrable binary format.